Saturday, November 17, 2018 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Cleveland Public Library – Lorain Branch. 8216 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102
Please join DSA’s Solidarity Economy Committee Saturday, November 17th at 2pm at the CPL Lorain Branch. In this session our focus will be on housing.
Our agenda will cover different elements of the solidarity economy that affect housing. First we’ll cover housing cooperatives. We’ll watch the first episode of a short series created by members of a housing cooperative. “My So-Called Housing Cooperative: The New Member(s)” I invite everyone to watch all six episodes, it gives a great amount of insight of just how different it is being part of a cooperatively owned and democratically housing.
My So-Called Housing Cooperative: Episode 1
We’re also going to be recieving a visit from members of The Greater Cleveland Cohousing Community. We’ll be having an informal discussion around their efforts to start a cohousing movement in Cleveland.
Here’s a good short video on Saettedammen, which is recognized as the first cohousing community in the world.
Cohousing communities help prevent social isolation
And this article discusses some of the benefits and challenges of living in a cohousing community.
Modern Housing With Village Virtues
We’ll explore Community Land Trusts and the role they play in keeping housing affordable.
Here’s a short summary on CLTs
Meeting details:
Cleveland Public Library – Lorain Branch – Meeting Room
8216 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102
Saturday, November 17th, 2PM