Cleveland DSA 2018 Elections!

Nominations are open for our Election for all Cleveland DSA offices! At our December 7th, 2017 meeting, we will have Elections to fill all Steering Committee positions, including officers and at-large members. Any member in good standing is eligible to vote in the election. Any member in good standing is eligible to run for office … Read more

[SEP 14] September Meeting Postponed One Week / Vigil in Support of DACA

Due to President Trump’s unconscionable revocation of DACA, we have decided to postpone our September meeting until 9/14 at 7pm. We ask, instead, that all of our members and anyone interested in DSA join DreamActivist Ohio and other Cleveland groups in solidarity with Northeast Ohio’s immigrant community on September 7th at 7pm in Market Square for … Read more

Cleveland DSA Special Elections!

Nominations are open for a Special Election for all Cleveland DSA offices! At our June 1, 2017 meeting, we will have Special Elections to fill all Steering Committee positions, including officers and at-large members. We are also electing Delegates to represent us at the DSA National Convention on August 3-6, 2017, in Chicago. Any member … Read more

January General Meeting

Thanks to everyone who came out on a snowy Cleveland night for our January General meeting! We met at the Cleveland Heights Public Library on Thursday, January 5, 2017 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Revolutionary Resolutions We began the meeting with introductions and everyone shared their Revolutionary New Year’s Resolutions for 2017. Members and guests made New … Read more